10 Days Fasting and Praying for Israel's Repentance
Thu, Sep 21
|Zoom Meeting (Details Below)

Time & Location
Sep 21, 2023, 6:00 AM – 7:00 AM
Zoom Meeting (Details Below)
About the event
We will be meeting online for the purpose of fasting and praying for Israel's repentance.
There will be teaching on fasting and repentance as a means to revival.
Zoom Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9221196362
Password - 453670
Shalom Friends,
Messianic Israelis and International Believers call for 1,000,000 to Pray One Hour for Israel on Yom Kippur.
A coalition of ministries will broadcast the online prayer meeting on Yom Kippur/The Day of Atonement between Jerusalem and Kansas City.
As Jewish people fast (Lev. 23:27), and believers will pray for the salvation of Israel.
GOD TV will host the feed at 10AM EST/5PM Israel on September 25th.
Over 5,000,000 believers came together this spring from May 7th to May 28th to pray at least one hour a day for Israel. This initiative was the brainchild of Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. Their initial goal was to see 1,000,000 believers take their stand on the walls of Jerusalem, drawing inspiration from Isaiah 62:6: "I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night."
Bickle was overwhelmed when 5,000,000 believers and 12,000 different ministries pledged to pray. They opened Isaiah62fast.com to be a hub to promote prayer for Israel. These 12,000 ministries, "put their information on the Isaiah 62 website," shared Mike Bickle. "That website is only a mobilizing website for Israel prayer. It is not a conference website, it’s not a book website, [and] it’s not a ‘come and hear us’ website. It is a ‘here’s the people that will mobilize people in their geographic area prayer for Israel.
Last Yom Kippur, Ron Cantor, president of Shelanu TV in Tel Aviv, organized a one-hour prayer event on GOD TV during Yom Kippur. "The idea was to see believers praying for Israel at the very time that Jewish people worldwide are praying and fasting." Ron, who moved to Israel in 2003, says the goal was always to get to one million people, but he was willing to wait. "I felt it would take at least five years to build that kind of momentum."
But when he saw the success of the Isaiah 62 fast campaign, he contacted Bickle. "I was on the rooftop of a hotel in Jerusalem praying the morning after the final event for the Isaiah 62 fast. It was as clear as day to me that I needed to recruit Mike. "I said ‘Mike, if I call people to pray on Yom Kippur, we might get a few hundred people, maybe 1,000. But people trust you as an international prayer leader. Would you put your voice behind this effort?’ I knew if he did, we could see more than 1,000,000 people praying for Israel on September 25th, Yom Kippur. He didn’t hesitate; he immediately said yes.
"Bickle says the goal is to "[Mobilize] believers around the world to stand together on Yom Kippur, to cry out to the Lord for a visitation of power upon the Jewish people across the world." During Yom Kippur, "Millions of Jewish people are posturing themselves in a place to hear God; they are making themselves vulnerable to the Holy Spirit—whether they know it or not. And then, we’ve got a million believers around the world crying out for a visitation upon these hearts.
"Cantor, who also serves as GOD TV’s Israel director, explains, "The ultimate world- wide, end-time revival is contingent on the Jewish people accepting Yeshua (Jesus). If you look at Romans 11:12, Paul says that Jewish rejection caused the book of Acts revival—what Paul call ‘riches.’ Then he says, if Israel’s rejection caused an unprecedented, worldwide, spiritual earthquake, imagine how much of a greater revival—or in his word—’greater riches’—will come on the world when the Jewish people accept the gospel!
"The plan to is to gather at 10am EST/5pm Israel to pray for one hour for Israel. You can tune in to a special simulcast between Jerusalem and Kansas City. This will air on God TV’s Facebook page.
"We are asking 1,000,000 of you for one hour" says Bickle, "on Yom Kippur." During the May event, "twos and threes met in homes. Twos and threes even met in cars with their cell phones; they met in dorm rooms. Some of them met in the church foyer…."
"Isaiah 62 speaks of God placing watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem," says Cantor. "If the prophet is speaking to the people of Jerusalem, then the watchmen are obviously not Jewish—they are from outside of Israel. I believe that Isaiah is looking ahead to a time when more than a billion non-Jews will have embraced the Jewish Messiah, Jesus. They will recognize that the gospel came to them through the Jewish people and will commit themselves to be Watchmen for Israel, contending for her salvation.
"God tells these watchmen to give themselves no rest and to give God no rest, till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.’"